Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Shawshank Redemption

Unlisted / #72
Nominated for 7 Academy Awards.

Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is wrongly imprisoned for the murder of his wife. After helping the warden launder money, Andy eventually escapes.

Eddie: THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is an uninviting movie. It's incredibly long. It doesn't have any conventional movie stars or action sequences. The poster has a dude with his arms outstretched in the rain. Nothing about that screams, "Watch me!" That's probably why, when the movie came out in '94, it bombed miserably. But SHAWSHANK isn't just good. It's great. If you don't mind donating two and a half hours to this Stephen King story, then you're in store for a Capra-esque epic. The best part of the movie is its patience. It doesn't rush its story (hence, its long run time), but instead lets the characters unfold the story deliberately.

Sarah: This is one of those movies that I have to watch every time I see it on TV. It's uplifting. There is something very enjoyable about watching Andy Durfresne overcome his obstacles to find a little peace. I think something to note in this movie is the performances. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman act simply and with understatement. It goes a long way....I have nothing else to say about THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION.

Why You Should See It: The escape sequence. When Andy Dufresne reaches freedom, you want to stand up and pump your fist in the air.

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