Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Philadelphia Story

#51 / #44
Winner of 6 Academy Awards.

THE PHILADELPHIA STORY follows Tracy (Katharine Hepburn), a rich socialite about to get married. The only problem is C.K. Dexter Haven (Cary Grant), her ex-husband, who shows up with Macaulay Connor (Jimmy Stewart), a charming journalist.

Sarah: When I found out this movie starred three of my all time favorite actors I prepared myself to love it entirely. Maybe my hopes were too high, because I was disappointed. The movie was silly, but not in the way a screwball comedy should be. I just didn't care about Katharine Hepburn or her problems. She was so ridiculous, I didn't see how anyone could be in love with her, let alone the beautiful Cary Grant. (Have you ever seen anyone so good looking?)

The story wasn't the only thing that felt weird. The pacing was off too. Every scene felt like a long scene. It was a quick mix-up with a quick fix-it ending. Still, if you have to watch someone for 90 minutes, it should be Cary Grant. Jimmy Stewart is funny, as well, and won an Oscar for his role.

Eddie: If not for the all-star cast, THE PHILADELPHIA STORY would barely be considered a movie. The plot is as thin as the paper it was printed on. But, as I said, the all-star cast really holds the film together. In this, their only film together, Grant and Stewart dominate the screen like two old friends. They are perfect on their own, and magic together.

Why You Should See It: The hilarious scene where Jimmy Stewart drunkenly tells all his thoughts and concerns to Cary Grant. Keep your eyes on Stewart during the whole scene (even though it's hard too look away from Cary Grant). His expressions are priceless.

And Also: In 1985, Cary Grant presented Jimmy Stewart with an honorary Oscar, and in his presentation speech, he mentions the best scene from THE PHILADELPHIA STORY. To watch that clip from the 57th Academy Awards is to catch a glimpse at two aging icons.

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