Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

#29 / #26
Winner of 1 Academy Award.

Jefferson Smith (Jimmy Stewart) is appointed to the U.S. Senate, but he's caught up in a political machine that threatens to slander his good name. In order to defend himself, Senator Smith leads an against-all-odds filibuster on the Senate floor.

Eddie: Anybody who doesn't love this film must hate America. Stewart's depiction of Jefferson Smith epitomizes Stewart's predilection for playing good characters struggling to do great things. Frank Capra's films don't exactly offer roller coaster twists and turns, but the simple story in MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON delivers in a big way.

The good guy triumphs. The bad guy is brought down. Liberty and justice for all.

Sarah: This is one of those movies that makes you feel like everything is A-OK, and if you just believe in yourself and do what is right, things will work out. But it's refreshing to have something like this on the list. This apple-pie life is part of Capra's charm.

Why You Should See It: The filibuster scene, of course.

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